Tuesday 20 February 2018

Facts about Hair Transplant Surgery, Risks and Care

Hair transplantation is a commonly chosen hair solution for all sorts of hair issues. Almost everyone is now aware about hair transplantation but there are various facts associated with it which are worth knowing and to know about Ahmedabad Hair Transplant visit Avenues cosmetic clinic

Some facts about hair transplantation:

  1. Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure in which hair follicles are extracted from hair bearing area to be transplanted to the bald areas.
  2. Done with anesthesia hair transplantation can be made a painless procedure.
  3. Hair transplantation do require a recover time which may vary with procedure to procedure.
  4. The final results may be seen after few months which may range from 8 – 12 months.
  5. There can be two procedures of hair transplantation; a patient may choose any of them.
  6. Once the final hair growth is received the hairs matches the existing hairs which makes it difficult to identify the difference between the original and real hairs.
  7. The results are quite satisfactory which can be trimmed, cut or styled.
  8. The costs of procedure depend directly upon hair grafts which are deiced depending upon the hair loss conditions.
  9. It is necessary that patient must have realistic expectations from hair transplantation so satisfactory results can be chosen.
  10. As hair transplantation is advance procedure only advance and equipped clinic must be chosen.

Risks associated with hair transplantation:

Even though better alternative has been evolved with time which reduces the risks associated with hair transplantation still in some cases there may be risks associated with hair transplantation which may be:

  1. Bleeding
  2. Infection
  3. Pain and swelling on the scalp
  4. Brushing around the eyes
  5. Numbness for few hours
  6. Itching

While you opt for advance FUE hair transplantation procedure over FUT you may have fewer complications associated with it because it better solutions.

When you are expectations less complications after the surgery you must refer the post precautions suggested by the respective doctor. The post care suggestions may differ and one must only trust his own doctor for avoiding any type of risks. Some of the common post care suggestions suggested by hair transplantation doctor can be:
  • Strictly take right medications as suggested by doctor for avoiding any sort of pain or numbness that may happen after the surgery.
  • Avoid any physical activities at least a week after a surgery.
  • Avoid washing hairs for a few days as suggested by doctor.
  • Don’t comb your hairs with hard brush and don’t be harsh to hair scalp.
  • Be prepare for the shredding of transplanted hair follicles because it is normal.
  • Drink plenty of water to stay dehydrated.
  • Eat normal so essential nutrition may reach for right hair growth.
  • Simply relax.

It is quite clear that there are certain facts associated with hair transplantation that a patient must know before actual procedure and if you need to enquire about Hair transplantation in Ahmedabad visit Avenues Cosmetic Clinic.

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